The European Union is setup for yet another series of Defaults.

After the Cypress Test, the Greek Crisis and Italy, France, Spain
and all members of this dysfunctional Union.

It can hardly be referred to as Economic as it remains the most
dysfunctional series of entanglements ever created.

Nationalism - is gaining traction once again, having failed miserably
to find harmony.

Incompatibility - Centuries of Mistrust has reemerged in varying forms.
Different Economies, Different Cultures, the twain has not met and nor
will it.

Merkel, a Former Communist turned "Social Democrat" failed to impose
her brand of Austerity upon other Members - The BIS asked her to exit
stage left.

The European Parliament has been side stepped since Day One. Useless
series of attempts to reign in their Sovereignty - Democracy failed within
the European Union.

A bureaucracy with no accountability - None. Perhaps the most wasteful
nascent form of insidious "Devil May Care" attitude in recorded History.

Structure - Glacial Policy implementations - Wandering Bishops unable to
preside over Crisis after Crisis. Lack of Unity, Decision process as Glacial
as Policy.

Absorption of Eastern Europe - Oil meet Water. Authoritarianism never goes
quietly into the night.

Convergence of Economic Interest - The wide ability to Tax and Spend.
Yeah, Naw it failed.

Germany - Unacceptable Dominatrix. Sieg Heil, Without the a Big Smile.
Cooperation was never intended, Members declined to be dominated by
their Mistress.

CONsensus - Yeah, Naw, Never happened.

Labor migration within the EU created immense arbitrage and Social Distrust.

Protectionism - Let those other Nations "Eat Cake" we'll protect our own.

NATO vs. Russia - Protecting as Deals are being made... A waste of Money
which leaves the inability to pay, a non-issue. Peace preferred with
Mamayev Kurgan is recognized as far more effective, not to mention
the energy Indpendence.

OSFA - Again - Yeah, Naw as OzzyMan would suggest - One Size Does Not Fit All.

A dozen or more reasons the 6E is doomed to the dustbin of History.

LaGarde is quickly moving to provide a BIS Solution in the form of Digi _______

Fill in the blank, it certainly isn't money.

108s will trade into August - October timeframe.

DXY could get serious busy to the upside.
6eChart PatternseuroFundamental AnalysisTrend Analysis
