
EURJPY > Important Key Level for A Good Buy!!

OANDA:EURJPY   ยูโร / เยนญี่ปุ่น
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Analysis on #EURJPY

I was scanning the market, not a lot of things going on, as you have seen the market does not know whether if it want to buy a dollar or sell a dollar and any movement in the market today is getting reversed the other day.

Looking at the chart I see the chance to buy some EURJPY near a very important key support level where a strong demand happened near 128.00.

if the market move to my kill zone I will then look for the market to show signs that we are moving higher then look for a valid reason to get in a good buy trade

Thank you so much for your support.
Check today analysis below⠀

>>“ Only trade when the probabilities of the market going in your favor are greater than it going against you." TradingAxis


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