
EURJPY Long - Off dynamic support - will it break out higher?

UnknownUnicorn483829 ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:EURJPY   ยูโร / เยนญี่ปุ่น
Hello All - DuncanForex here with another trade idea

After a couple of failed XXX JPY trades I have been sat back watching what happens next

With EURJPY bouncing off dynamic support - and with RSI showing divergence.

With Risk Off sentiment - I am looking for JPY to go higher - certainly to the dynamic resistance plotted on the chart

Thanks for looking

stops moved near to entry point - with USD gaining weakness sooner than expected - this will result in USD JPY dropping lower over night tonight - it is forming an inside day at the moment - especially with GOLD taking off this afternoon - with EUR strength - I do not see it being strong enough against JPY




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