
EURCAD > Powerful Euro Is Not Stopping Anytime Soon

OANDA:EURCAD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์แคนนาดา
Analysis of #EURCAD

I know many traders will say no this pattern does not come, and it must come at the bottom of the trend, well for me each pattern is a story and if the story checked then the pattern is valid and i think this pattern is valid and that why i took last week a long positions and now in profit waiting to hit the targets

-Do not forget to comment below, and if you like it then smash the like bottom 😉

Check today analysis below⠀
-DISCLAIMER: This information is not a recommendation to buy or sell. it is to be used for educational purposes only⠀
-⚠ please note the ideas is valid only if it happened as I said above⠀
-Before trading our ideas please make your own analysis.


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