FX:EURAUD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย
*Another Possible Scenario of this Pair. - EURAUD*

We know the pair is in a strong bearish move. But the price doesn't go down forever. Market movers have to always push the price up to make it low for them to buy the AUD Pair.

Looking at the Price, we are on an upward channel. anytime we see a channel we must know the instrument is in a correction phase and will burst out to its original direction.

So we expect this pair to trade up to the supply Zone before we can continue moving downwards.

We shall be looking for Selling opportunities in this pair. Nothing Short. All other fundamental factors point to the AUD being stronger than the Euro. So we buy The AUD through Shorting the Pair.

*Trading with Samuel*



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