另外,也常常看到新手投資人會犯的一個錯誤,他們總異想天開的想去預測市場的未來走向, 請記住,務必對市場保持敬畏的心、並尊重市場, 當你在市場一段時間後,你就會真正了解市場永遠是不可預測的,尤其是在這個94.39%BTC籌碼高度集中在2%鯨魚錢包地址的加密貨幣市場中, 千萬不要試著去預測市場。 而是要根據市場變化,準備好牛熊市的多空兩方交易策略, 如同以前到現在,我文章末段總會出現的一句話: I think that I can't predict the direction of market, but I am ready for a strategy of bullish or bearish .
---------------------------------- As an analyst, I think that I can't predict the direction of market, but I am ready for a strategy of bullish or bearish .