
ETH/USD - Indecision in price action, ranging below ATH

BINANCE:ETHUSDT   Ethereum / TetherUS
ETH is ranging for the past few days between local support and resistance, failing so far to break out towards ATH. There is some indecision in direction currently. Therefore best to wait right now.

We may re-test the support level at $1.1k once again before we can attempt to breach resistance.

There is also strong support at Fib 38.2% or $950 should we fall to that level. If we break below it, then that is not good as it will indicate a break in the upward momentum.

In any event, I expect us to have a good sense of direction on Monday, once BTC resolves its pennant (see BTC idea linked below).

While BTC and ETH are deciding on what to do, some alts have had a fantastic run this past weekend! See below my top 10 altcoin picks for 2021 (links below).

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