Hello, welcome to this ETHEREUM /USD update by CRYPTO SANDERS.
CHART ANALYSIS:-Ethereum (ETH) also rebounded in today’s session, with prices moving back above the $1,600 level.
ETH/USD, which slipped to a bottom of $1,535.00 on Wednesday, raced to a peak of $1,632.24 later in the day, following Tesla’s earnings call.
As a result of the move, the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency rose past its recent resistance point of $1,600.
Like with BTC, previous bulls have somewhat abandoned their positions, opting to take profits as prices reentered overbought territory.
Ethereum’s 14-day RSI is currently sitting at 67.07 and appears to be heading for a ceiling at the 75.00 mark.
Should this occur, it is likely that ETH will collide with a ceiling of $1,685.
I have tried to bring the best possible outcome to this chart.
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