
Ethereum Short 1 HR Chart

BITSTAMP:ETHUSD   อีเธอร์เลียม
#Ethereum #Bitcoin #Litecoin #Crypto

Hello to all watching my charts.

Similar to other crypto ETHUSD Ethereum tries to find a bottoom now ,

but here the chart has been really damaged for long.

2 Big suppport aereas have been hit from ETHUSD at the range 275 - 277

and next stop down is 262.

What i also want to mention negativ is

that at the moment i write this here , Ethereum has been stopped the little up trend

exactly at the next resistance level from 17.6. ( BLUE RESISTANCE LINE)

For Long trendchange i think we do need a jump in the aerea of my

BLUE ARROW and make a new higher hgh (higher than high from yesterday in the minimum ).

Good trades
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