
Ethereum Trading very Important Point so $1251 or $2145 ..?

COINBASE:ETHUSD   อีเธอร์เลียม
#ETHEREUM Technical Analysis:-

$ETH currently trading at $1600

Now Everyone is Confused about $ETH Next Move..

I will Explain all your Doubts…

Now #ETH trading at Big Resistance level around $1630-$1645 Level.

So this is Very Important Level.

Keep in Mind Both Scenario and Ready for Botj Positions ..

1)- If $ETH breaks $1650 Resistance then It will test $2145

If Rejected then Ready for $1475/$1251 Level.

So What will We do..?
Now I already opened Short Position around $1600 and If any 8H or Daily candle close above $1650 Level then I will closed Short Position and Instant Will Open Long Position.

Support:- $1475/$1250
Resistance:- $1650/$2145/$2753


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