Hello, welcome to this ETHEREUM /USD update by CRYPTO SANDERS.
CHART ANALYSIS:-Ethereum (ETH) on the other hand, has been predominantly bullish to start the week, with prices rising back above $1,600.
ETH/USD, which dropped to a bottom of $1,597.21 on Sunday, surged to a peak of $1,645.91 earlier in the day.
Prices have primarily climbed in the past few days, after falling to a low of $1,557 to start the weekend.
earlier gains have eased, as the RSI collided with a wall at the 54.00 mark.
Since this collision, price strength has declined, with the RSI now tracking at 53.04, and ETH trading at $1,638.06.
Should ETH bulls intend to return the price toward the $1,700 mark, the first step in this journey would be to move past the 54.00 ceilings.
I have tried to bring the best possible outcome to this chart.
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