
ETH - Daily

Lorenz_Capital ที่อัปเดต:   
BITFINEX:ETHUSD   อีเธอร์เลียม
Is Eth/usd about to folow in ltc/usd footsteps?

so far we have seen solid respect of each one of these fib levels, and currently battling the 50% retracement level. I believe that if we can clear this level, along with the yellow trend-line resistance, we could see a massive pump in the altcoin market, bolstered by Etherium. This will likely not happen all in 1 go, as there remains massive resistance on the weekly timeframe (specifically the 20 week MA) but if we can see the first move back towards $150, we could see the follow up rally to unfold in the next few weeks/months. Get ready for big volatility.

Best of luck, hit thumbs up.
This is as close it gets to calling the bottom



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