
Ethereum- Was this all?

Mihai_Iacob ที่อัปเดต:   
BITSTAMP:ETHUSD   อีเธอร์เลียม
On 10th of November, Ethereum (like a lot of crypto) has started to correct and after a short-lived spike under 4k, EthUsd has started to rise and now is consolidating in a triangle.
I admit I had expected a deeper correction, but the market seems to contradict me...
From a technical point of view, since the low under 4k, Ethereum is putting in higher lows on our chart and we have a clear resistance zone between 4.3k and 4.35k
Once this resistance is broken, ETHUSD can accelerate gains and the focus is a new ATH and 5l zone
At this point, the cryptocurrency should not drop under 4.15k for the bullish scenario to remain valid
Ethereum is above resistance giving us confirmation that the correction is over

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