Hello, welcome to this ETH /USD 1DAY chart update by CRYPTOSANDERS.
I have tried to bring the best possible outcome to this chart.
CHART ANALYSIS:-Ethereum (ETH) also retreated from recent highs, which comes after a failed breakout of its own.
ETH/USD dropped to a low of $1,529.79 earlier today, after trading as high as $1,579.48 on Sunday.
Ethereum failed to climb above the $1,580 high range, which led to a resurgence of some bearish sentiment.
there was a lot of buying seen in the Ethereum price, with the index at its highest point since January 2021.
Now tracking at 83.46, the next visible floor seems to be at the 70.00 mark, which could see ETH trading near $1,475 if hit.
This is not a piece of financial advice.
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