
ETH Long (Daily)

thefluffyones ที่อัปเดต:   
COINBASE:ETHUSD   อีเธอร์เลียม
ETH has hit the long confirmation of $1,530 as shared this morning and projected first on Aug 27th. Look for possible resistance levels at $1620, $1720, $1814.

Technicals -

ETH funding is catching up to price with a bull signal within 3 bars.

ETH daily MACD showing upward momentum

ETH daily Stoch showing cross-over with upward momentum

ETH daily Vix Fix showing strong local bottom was present at low of bar

ETH daily CCI back above -100 and no longer oversold

Still bear market, expect to drop after upward high timeframe momentum is finished.
Additional resistance levels; $1,560 (15 EMA Daily) and $1,580 (BB middle Daily)



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