
ETH looking stable around the projected target

BITSTAMP:ETHUSD   อีเธอร์เลียม
Hi guys,

Looking at ETH, it perfectly hit our projected target of $215 and the price is hovering around that level for a second consecutive day now. The psychological level of $200 will be our support down followed by the diagonal resistance (hopefully turned into support now) in combination with the 100-day EMA.
Up, our next targets are $220 and $240.
On the 1-h chart, we avoided falling down from a bearish rectangle pattern.

Trading volumes fell from $27 billion on Thursday to $20 billion today, but I think there is still a lot of room for growth given the fact they were around $40 billion during the February peak. I´m bullish on ETH and personally I think alts are about to fire up, compensating the BTC lag.



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