
ETH's ROAD to $800 dollars?1

BITFINEX:ETHUSD   อีเธอร์เลียม
ETH's ROAD to $800 dollars?1

ETH is now completing a nice retracement to Fibonacci 61.8. We have hitted the box onces but we can hit it on the bottom for a second time.
BTC is about to drop pretty soon if 9800 does not hodl. I think that as soon as Bitcoin drops, altcoins fall short and then after that altcoins can turn around and have a new small also Ethereum have chances to reach over $400.

We need to wait and see what BTC is doing. The dominance is going down and that is a good sign for the ALTS

Let me know what you think about the altcoins and maybe a Altrun/season?
I think we can see nice gains in the next month.
This month will be close bearish for bitcoin and i think it is a good sign that we need consolidation.

Please leave a like and let me know what your idea is about alts and specialy ETH.

See you soon.

This post will be updated when signals appears.


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