
Ethereum ready to steal the show

TheCryptoHustle ที่อัปเดต:   
Bitcoin has now plunged well below the 21 MA on the 1D TF ($10288) the dominance has dropped to 69% as Ethereum dominance now up to 8.7%.
The drop for Ethereum has also been mild comparatively and is still above the 21 MA. Could we be witnessing the beginning of the flippening?
I believe if we are truly in a bull market bitcoin will begin to share its market space and we will thrive as a whole. A repetitive cycle that will last for years, leading into the next parabola
ETH targets being at $257 and $300
Absolute savagery from bitcoin these last 24 hours
ETH sitting below a nice resistance area at 224. Daily indicators could use a good cool off. Notice the 21 MA is on its curve up. We are in a confirmed uptrend. Buy the dips!


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