This is another one of the top Altcoins that I've been tracking/reading for you since November 2022.
We also did great with Ethereum Classic back in June/July before I stopped writing. This one generated great profits and it was my first DEX trade.
The next and easy target is set at $32 but it can go higher, much higher.
The downtrend for ETCUSDT ended December last year.
This is followed by a bullish breakout #1.
The breakout is followed by a correction, which is normal, and this correction ends in a higher low #2.
#3 Is the next leg-UP!
$32 Is just too easy and so we are going with the 2.618 Fib. extension for this one and that's $42 as the next target.
This is mid-term.
✔️ Mid-term for us means within 1-3 months.
✔️ Short-term within 30 days.
✔️ Long-term can be 3-6 months or everything 6+.
After our target is hit we will get another correction.
Remember that it can go much higher or a bit lower than what we see on this chart.
The next major correction should end in another higher low and then a long period of consolidation, we will have to wait and see.
But the low was set last year, the rest is long-term growth.
Higher highs and higher lows.
Thank you for reading me.
Thanks a lot for your continued support.
Oh wait! The invalidation point is December's low.
If prices go below this level this chart analysis becomes invalid and a new one is needed.
All trading above this level and the bullish potential remains intact.
Patience is key.
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