For Wednesday, 4402.50 can contain intraday weakness, the targeted 4436.00 - 4446.50 area in reach and able to contain buying through the balance of June, once tested the market susceptible to falling back to 4203.75 within 3 - 5 weeks.


On the other hand, closing today above 4446.50 signals the 4596.50 longer-term objective over the next 2 - 3 weeks.


Downside Wednesday, 4353.00 can contain session weakness, indicates a good weekly high, 4263.75 then expected within several days, also able to contain session weakness and the point to settle below for indicating 4188.50 - 4203.75 long-term support within several more days.
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Anthony Speciale, founder of Speciale Analysis offers an affordable approach for all traders to grow into their highest potential.
