SPX - Whats Coming?

BLUF: HEAD SHOTs ONLY...Now that the US is taking the CoronoaVirus seriously Who Fookin Knows...Rule of 72...Let the Dumbassery begin...my shorts are still on...The Machines are in Control...What could go wrong?
Situational Awareness & BS Detection!!! Cheers...Happy Hour Time!!!

Note: Everyone is cutting off China...What do you think is coming next? It's not good...Expect to see the Fed in the near future...Iowa starts next week (CanYouFeelDaBERN...Standbye for the next ShitTasterfy)...LMFAO! Turn the TV off and have a great weekend! I am...
The environment of High Gamma to Zero Gamma...VIX Maxed out also. Battlelines were drawn at the ~3240 floor today, and once broken there was some strong selling momentum that turned up just into the close, saving a total washout... "Put wall" at 3200 which indicates a large concentration of puts at that strike. This could well play into a negative gamma move on Monday if we open at or near that level. That would force dealers to short futures...LOTs more volatility coming...expect more downside on Monday and don't be surprised with a bounce ivo 3250 on Tuesday...Who Fookin Knows...Find-Fix-Finish! Cheers!
A reminder..the human brain is not wired to think in exponential terms! Escape velocity is approaching...
Countries with which China is the largest trade partner....126.
Countries with which USA is the largest trade partner....36.

Math doesn't lie, data doesn't care what your political tribe or beliefs are...TBD!
DeCouple....Fookin Please....Don't be a DumbArse!!!
Good News:
1.Current Quarter Exponential Effects...YES, but once this starts to "Downgrade," the plumbing opens and "Goods/Services" start Flowing Immediately...there is no lag time, so 2nd,3rd QTR will "Immediately" pick up...Macro does not support a "Recession."
2.This is Not a "Pandemic"....Yet, and it's not even close! It's Def gonna put a dent into all things markets...but once its over the peak...flows will start immediately!

Situational Awareness...Assess the environment and proceed w/caution as always!
SPX SPY QQQ UVXY TTVIX We have had 12 Epidemics since 1981. The average return of the S&P 500 1 month out: +.44%
The average return of the S&P 500 3 months out: +3.08%
The average return of the S&P 500 6 months out: +8.50%

Something tells me epidemics don’t drive markets!
Trend Analysis

