CME_MINI:ES1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า เอส&พี 500 E-mini
The market just wrapped up a volatile week. The NQ and ES both traded down to there respective 21 ema where they found support then surged higher after the FOMC held rates at 5.5%, payroll data exceeded expectations & META/AMZN delivered. The market continues to bet on the goldilocks scenario of flat to lower rates, a strengthening economy during a US election year.

  • ES closed the week with a gain of 1.22% after trading in a range of 129 pts.
  • ES successsfully re-tested the 21 ema finishing the week back above the 1.272 Fib X ( 4898)
  • ES closed at the week high approx. 1% of ATH.
  • A move above Friday's high (4997) make a move to the ATH likely
  • A rejection of the Friday high (4997) make a re-test of the 9 ema likely
  • A move back below the Mar 29th high (4861) would make a move back to the 55 ema likely.
  • Earnings continues with key reports from MCD, L, LLY, CAT, DIS, NET,UBER, AFRM, F & BABA.
  • PMI data out on Mon & Fed Heads speaking all week.
  • Elevated terrorist/war risk due to escalaton of conflicts in the Middle East.
  • RSI 67.23 VIX at 13.84 | 10 year 4.02%



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