CME_MINI:ES1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า เอส&พี 500 E-mini
ES starting the week trading back at the bottom of the channel. The lower trendline of the channel should act as resistance. Most market participants expect a pull back here or at least a pause. First upside target is the Aug 17th low. First downside target is the 55 ema. Below the 55 ema look for a move back to the 200 SMA.

  • ES finished the week with a gain of 5.85 % after trading in a range of 244 pts.
  • ES has had a massive reversal from the Oct 27th low. Gaining 6.2% (257 pts) in 5 trading days
  • Price has reclaimed the 9/21/55 emas as well as the 200 SMA
  • ES is back above the Feb 2nd breakout point.
  • Positive reaction to both FOMC rate pause & NFP
  • 10year yields have dropped from 5% down to 4.57%
  • Entering the most bullish quarter of the year
  • All sectors ended the week green led by XLRE & XLF.
  • Potential catch up move for small caps and growth names
  • Light week of econ data ahead but many Fed Heads speaking
  • Earnings will be dominated by small cap growth names this week.
  • Follow through confirmation required to see if the recent rally is more than heavy short covering.



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