SPX Future 1h (21 Sep) Elliott wave analysis update

CME_MINI:ES1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า เอส&พี 500 E-mini
Hello traders, for who was sell rally congratulations.
For who don't have any position don't rush be patient.
Ok Now let move to today Elliott wave analysis. As we expected this morning premarket was in wave 3 of wave 5 and my felling of ext 5 built was true. And now what we have here, algorithm count quite good we have a 3 of 5 and market close with wave 4, what it's mean? It mean we may have 5 of 5 before bull trap wave b, so if it true where is key area for 5 of 5, you can use old target 4277 or 4228 for 5 of 5 it can fall further, or when we entered 5 we will have new target indicator draw you can use it, I will post target if we have 5 of 5 later.

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