CME_MINI:ES1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า เอส&พี 500 E-mini
One more pop to 4135-4140. Stop loss 4060

2hour RSI.. I'd like to see a break here too for conformation..

I don't think we will breakout of this channel , I think we'll head lower after this bounce
Target hit... could melt up to 4147 if it breaks 4135 .. but I wouldn't chance it
Dow isn't going higher

They are using tech to push this..
Qqq mat melt up but Aapl closed gap at 174 . Qqq has resistance at 321.50..
Msft is also closing its gap ..

Wait till EOD and see where the dust settles

Spy just tagged resistance I mentioned



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