
Contingent $2500 Ethereum Price

Within a year, Ethereum can surpass a $2500 price for a long strategy with medium to high risk. However, there are some contingencies. One of them is the possibility that EOS, one of the biggest hosted ERC20 tokens doesn't crash by then. John Oliver put it best, EOS is an application for building DAPPs hosted on an application meant for building DAPPs. The fact that they are hosted on the Ethereum blockchain and don't entirely rely on their own infrastructure seems problematic. Also they raised nearly 2 billion dollars without even having an entirely finished product. It doesn't seem to be entirely decentralized, is talked about badly by old BTC community members and seems to have a "VC" that bypasses regulations before they even have their own full product out there. Not saying EOS is a scam, or that they are a bad product. However, one of the contingencies is that if EOS is a bubble that is gonna eventually burst, Ethereum would have a hard time surpassing $2500 if that happened beforehand. Another problem that can occur are certain regulations that may effect Ethereum country wise. This may also become evident in the South Asian market.



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