
Daily Falg Pattern BO in Eclerx Services

eClerx was founded in 2000 by Anjan Malik and PD Mundhra with the goal of transitioning, managing and transforming complex business processes. Following successful careers in investment banking, Anjan and PD, graduates of University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business, jointly identified significant opportunities for providing innovative services and solutions to large global companies undergoing rapid business transformation challenged by legacy systems, new technology, data inaccuracies, and ever-changing processes and workflows. Created from humble beginnings in a small office in Mumbai, today eClerx employs 15,000+ people across Australia, Canada, Germany, India, Italy, Netherlands, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, UK, and the USA.

A Bullish Flag and Pole pattern is visible on the Daily chart of ECLERX . The Flag and Pole pattern is a bullish continuation pattern and it is visible in charts after a meaningful appreciation in the price.

MACD gave Positive crossover on Daily, Weekly and Monthly chart. So, expecting the momentum to continue.
Fresh position not recomended but if any one holding, then 2950 is immidiate possible target

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The information provided in this analysis is based on my personal interpretation of market conditions and the available data at the time of writing. It is subject to change without notice, and I cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided.

Trading and investing carry the risk of substantial losses, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always be aware that markets can be unpredictable, and prices may move against your trade or investment.

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