Deeper Network / Tether

Deeper Network DPR Crypto Trying to Fight Up

Deeper Network DPR Crypto is trying to go Bullish like Dogecoin but the project still have major issues. The new CEO drags his feet not burning the Validator DPR Rewards which is about 24 Million DPR at the moment. They maybe trying to find a way to keep some of it on the side like how they advertise the other burning like "Burn for Credit"............................... As the project is falling from the top 300 spot to now into the top 800 spot of the Altcoins.

Good & Bad News: "All Genesis nodes will have one rewards halving event on Dec. 1st, 2022. Genesis will continue until Aug. 28th, 2023, then enter into EZ Mining directly." What this means is a Ter8 was getting 90% reward but it will be reduced to 43% for a Genesis. So they are forcing all those people who originally staked in at a Ter7 or Ter8 to unstake there one device on Dec. 21, 2022 and either sell there DPR or to purchase additional miners an start EZMining instead with a 60% reward at a Ter8 level. By Dec 1st the price of DPR could be around .0045 on a low end, which means you may need to purchase 1 or 2 extra miner from Deeper to get a higher reward amount above a Genesis. All those who staked in from a Ter6 Level or lower are getting a great rewards for a little bit longer. (I am not sure if they are changing this again)

News: There will likely be a similar crash to the 1990's Dot Com bubble crash coming very soon, with the Alt Coin Bubble that is going on now. Only the strongest Alt Coins will survive. Will Deeper Network get there act together to maintain there support thru out there community or will they continue to twist there words around forcing there supporters to look to only Bitcoin or Ethereum . So far Deeper Network on its own initiatives, is pushing itself farther away from the top ranking alto coins.

Bearish News: Deeper Network is not a Decentralized Platform but a Centralized Platform, They currently use the Polkadot Blockchain Governance Platform which if working 100% is not technically decentralized as per it's maker Gavin Woods. But Deeper Network has a hidden backdown open to bypass all approvals for programing which would other wise need to be approved by who ever holds the most DPR basically at the end of the day as a Council Member by voting yourself in on the Governance Website Page made by Polkadot . At any point in time the Council Members or Deeper Network with there back door open can take you DPR out of your wallet if they want thru programing codes directly by Deepers DEVs or voting as a Council Member as a Motion. Since Deeper has the most DPR it will be controlled internally in a scenes making it centralized at the end of the day.

Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 6 months, investors getting Deeper ERC-20 DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time (estimated 40% investment returned already), there is an estimated amount of 2 to 4 Million DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 6 months starting in September 2022 thru March 2023. I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live. This is the finial contract agreement after being changed multiple times with out permission from the investors.

Bearish News: the Seed Investors who bought in at .003cents were told this "Your DPR is locked until tier 1 CEX listing, then unlocked 1 year after tier 1 CEX listing. Linear distribution over 1 year. If DPR is not listed on tier 1 CEX within 2 years of Jan 1, 2023, unlock starts on Jan 1, 2025 then linear distribution over a year. You will definitely get your DPR however, you'll need to wait a little longer for the benefit of the whole. Deeper Network appreciates your understanding and apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused." This was confirmed by a Volunteer Mod.

-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)

- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............

- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 7 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU; 4th 5Fug4ra4oJaCZQzUZ5C5vNaWBHUujKwGgu5NmZtcDwXMtsCp ; 5th 5Fe7kQ2kunvxDzd1f1AFUuLDPnd8uzqrbgQ4Q4zLHNeC82xD ; 6th 5CaViidoJL9qL22pvdVfpGkaE34kH7cH79rTemVGpUqddaaZ ; 7th 5F95SXGB5dj6TpcKzPGZRCXMsoBLcgg7nmhZxSC5sHCHdDx7 ; Deeper has said they will burn the DPR from the 7 Validators but the miners do not know if they can trust Deeper Network to keeping there word and if it will be 100% Burn or just 1% like everything else........

Founder & Head of the Society Governance Platform Wallet Address: 5GViXCfq22KUdWYK9E6bFZXYJWY7v4EVKJz3mgn6vGGPU1iT this is a Genesis Gold Ter 8 out of the United Kingdom. This wallet seems to be programed to dump coins after there mined across the bridge to sell on and exchange. We will be following this wallet, stay tuned for updates...................

-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.

-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity. (I believe they did a fake burn because they did not even realize they had an internal burn wallet nor did they know they had a Treasury Wallet, I believe they just made a random what address and sent it there. But Deeper will not provide the process they used)

- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.

- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet

- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: This is how Deeper Network makes income from internal network transactions 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, ect. 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned every 24 days, this is confirmed by looking at the programing on Github Deeper-Chain; Actions; Branches; modify treasury burnning rate

- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)

-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors

-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown (As per Deeper User Policy to have to agree to Logs are kept by them internally), Privacy Policy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown. Do not know why Deeper Network is not Transparent with this information like other VPN providers. And or what will be there main goal with this data kept.

- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……

Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed. Update: It seems like they are trying to fix this issue. If the device to left on for an extended amount of time it will work on the block chain but will not allow for personal internet access.

-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location in Delaware currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, (EIN Tax ID# 841835438 Old # from the first company that was formed), State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara , California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents, the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years+ or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.

(A lot of people have come and gone from the head ranks or moved DOWN to different positions within the company, High Turnover Rate, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Mao Liu ( aka also known as Michael Liu); China / California (Runs another Company in California Fam Capital which is not registered in the State of California to work in the State)
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu ( aka also known as Russell Liu); San Jose, California, USA
Chief Operations Officer: Xiaoshuai Liu ( aka also known as Cheryl Liu); Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Chief Marketing Officer: Position Open, last person quite and moved on...............
Contracts: Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai Liu ( aka also known as Cheryl Liu); Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu

Deeper Network if you feel any of this information is inaccurate please reach out to me and provide me proof showing something different and I will update it on my next post. Information is gathered thru the Deeper Network Community Chats. I have only been reached out to my one volunteer member from my post named Jordan and any discrepancies were adjusted.


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