DogeCoin scenario 1st increase 393% is around 18/8-18/10/2021/8
Repeat History for Dogecoin: Observe the squares I and I' = cycle down 78.6% Observe squares II and II' = Cycle Up 393.8% (1st ): Time around 18/8-18/10/2021 = DogeCoin price 100% up modestly at $0.85. There's no reason why we shouldn't hold DogeCoin right away and put it in a cold wallet (if any), if you don't have a cold wallet, hold it at an exchange and never look at the chart before August 18-18, 2021. Dogecoin is officially the top Coin from March 2021 and forever DogeCoin is the top Coin. DogeCoin's problem is when is the number 1 cryptocurrency, in your opinion? BTC is good but it is leading and cannot grow globally because it is limited, only DogeCoin will become a global digital currency, for every country, every home and everyone. Thanks, feel free to comment as you please