Dow Jones - DJI - Check yourself before you REKT yourself! lol
Dow Jones - DJI - Reality Check: Sometimes we have to accept that the market is doing what it wants to do and not what we want it to do. Overall, the Dow has lost upward momentum(Technical Facts). The Dow has not been able to reach or break the $36,000 level in the last 5 months. At this point the Dow needs a boost in order to regain momentum. Maybe the Debt Ceiling or Bills in Congress will give the Dow a boost. If not, we have to accept what the market is showing us. At this point, we have to precisely pick the stock winners and losers or just wait in cash or crypto until the dust settles and then pounce. Otherwise, we are going to feel like a genius for picking a bottom or we will be biting our nails while we are in drawdown. Long term investors with deep pockets(lots of dry powder) can continue to increase their positions in a downturn because they have a 3, 5 or 10 year outlook. Riddle: Do we want to call the bottom or just catch the trend when it is established, Up or Down?