
Dow reaction Wave B entering subwave 5 final leg up

DaddySawbucks ที่อัปเดต:   
DJ:DJI   ดัชนี Dow Jones Industrial Average
Wednesday's pullback looking like a subwave 4 now expect a final subwave 5 push to possibly 25100 pivot for short entry sometime next week;

This last pushup will likely terminate correction wave B and usher in wave C downdraft. Anything can happen though; market is irrational- good luck!
No idea if the idiots can push it over 25k Friday, but it's forming double top today:

Buying puts now more if it gets higher
YeaH look at volume its miniscule OMG its textbook!
Buying more puts probably still too soon but its very close now to peaking; can flashcrash anyday so getting in position a bit early. Volume 7-13 was wretchedly small. Market rising on prayers into thin air, seasonal July 2nd half is weak. Guns of August will shake the money tree.
Expected 25076 got to 25070 entering short plays Tues Good luck!



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