
Dow Jones by EOY

WorldEconomics ที่อัปเดต:   
DJ:DJI   ดัชนี Dow Jones Industrial Average

Based on fundamentals, economics, economic data, geopolitics, Fed QT. It'll be a zig zag on the way down. S&P completed a 50% retracement during this last 5-week rally. The trend seems to have reversed with a resumption in selling that started in Nov 2021, accelerated in Jan 2022, with a recovery in June to Mid August.
ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการตัดขาดทุน:
You can't predict Fed market manipulation. Economic data pointed towards a sell off but markets rally in the face of some of the worst economic data since 2008, and some data far surpassing the worst of 2008.



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