
Buy DIA swing puts at 356.40 - tech stocks weak

OptionsRising ที่อัปเดต:   
AMEX:DIA   SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF
While Dow Jones is moving up with the yield since 1pm, I notice NFLX and TSLA have not made a stronger bounce up. Nasdaq is relatively weaker than DJI today.

DIA just moved over 356 and retreated. I am buying swing puts at 356.40.
My option pricing tool tells me that puts will be only a little cheaper at 356.40 and I do not want to miss this entry so I placed orders now.

added to 18Feb 340 puts
bought 18Mar 320 puts
ปิดการเทรด ด้วยตนเอง:
Sold all DIA puts, and all other swing puts, near the market lows. Will reset tomorrow or next week.



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