
NSE Cummins in a long term uptrend

kunal_finner ที่อัปเดต:   
  • On weekly basis showing strength and in a sustained upmove
  • Currently around 1700 or so. However there is a chance of reversal on the daily chart back to 1650. Keep this on your watchlist and buy in dips back to 1650
  • One good strategy could be taking a small position - 20% of your full size now and then catch more on the downside
  • Strong resistance at 1580-1600 and this can be used as the buy zone. Ideally buy stock for a 3-6 month period (8-12 weeks)
Stop at 1560 and lower - so position size this appropriately (dont take a large position to begin with)
ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการตัดขาดทุน:
Exit position as stop hit. The stock was very overbought and that was the biggest mistake when buying it

Best advice ever - Cut your position size by half.

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