Maximum Pain in The Future CS Credit Suisse

โดย noam_chom
Banks restructure the debt of stressed corporations every day, not out of philanthropy but out of enlightened self-interest.

But the problem was that, now that we had accepted the EU–IMF bailout, we were no longer dealing with banks but with politicians who had lied to their parliaments to convince them to relieve the banks of Greece’s debt and take it on themselves.

A debt restructuring would require them to go back to their parliaments and confess their earlier sin, something they would never do voluntarily, fearful of the repercussions.

Credit Suisse is A Mess, This won't be good R-R for a reversal until late 2023. There are hundreds of significantly better opportunities available
still a mess
only recommend CS long to your enemies
keep waiting don't even think about buying CS yet
with another 20% lower to about $2.00 - prepare for a long sideways. in Fall of 2023 there will be a buying opportunity. until then, forget about this scam
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