
CROMPTON GREAVES - Enter on a pullback!

Price Analysis & Observation:

1. HH-HL formation started, now I will wait for a higher low formation to enter.
2. Volume support is strong.
3. Trend is confirmed. It's clear BUY ON DIPS!!
4. Buying strength is good.
5. Expecting it come down for some retracement.

Trade Plan:

1. Need to wait patiently for the formation I want to enter on a dip.

- Stay tuned for further insights, updates and trade safely!

- If you liked the analysis, don't forget to leave a comment and boost the post. Happy trading!

Disclaimer: This is NOT a buy/sell recommendation. This post is meant for learning purposes only. Please, do your due diligence before investing.

Thanks & Regards,
Anubrata Ray

Anubrata Ray

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