Our opinion on the current state of CPR

Copper 360 describes its business as follows, "The Copper 360 business is focused on (a) processing historical mined copper rock dumps through a process of environmental clean-up, and (b) mining surface and shallow copper resources." The company has acquired (through SHIP) an extensive database from companies such as American Mining Conglomerate Newmont and Global Gold Company Gold Fields who worked the district before. In its results for the year to 31st August 2023 the company reported a loss of R4,9m compared with a loss of R31,6m in the previous period. The company said, "Our loss has narrowed as production ramps up and capital expenditure comes to an end. The post period acquisition of Nama Copper Resources Proprietary Limited ("Nama Copper") further ensures we remain on track to deliver significantly improved production with a major reduction in execution build and delivery risk. The 2025 FY will see the Company target EBITDA in excess of R650 million together with major resource upgrades to improve mining flexibility and growth". On 21st December 2023 the company announced that it had raised a total of R274m to fund the Nama copper acquisition and production growth at Rietberg mine. The share listed on 12th April 2023 closing at 500c. Since then it has drifted down to 371c - which does not bode well. We suggest that this is a risky commodity operation and that you should wait for the share price to at least settle down before investigating further.
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