Western European COVID-19 forces a close(er) Christmas

A quick screen of the COVD-19 situation in the Western European countries of Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy shows that all have had a spike in recent months.
The MACD histograms actually decipher the rate of acceleration of the spike in cases.
Hence, the MACD histograms really need to go below zero to get a deceleration in the number of COVID-19 cases.

From here, we can see...

Great Britain is moderating it’s spike.
France is slowing down the spike somewhat, nonetheless still increasing, albeit at a moderated pace.
Germany is still in acceleration phase of their Wave 2, and it would may be months before it decelerates.
Italy, like GB , is moderating slightly.

So much for Christmas... it would be one that returns everyone to basic nuclear family, where Christmas is less consumer driven, and more family orientated. While we know the deteriorating conditions, we pray that families get closer and bond better through this period.

God bless... Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noel.

Stay safe, stay healthy.
