
Decoding the Mystery behind Dec 20 Fall - Part 1

NSE:CNXMEDIA   Nifty Media Index
1. Nifty Media - the Biggest Fall among its Peers (-5.11%) - Comparison between Monthly & Weekly Chart

Month - Beautiful Cup & Handle Pattern - BO attempted today but didn't sustain (no change in pattern)
Week - Inside the Handle - there is an Inv. H&S pattern - Look at the rejection today from BO + Resistance zone of 2500

Neither is this the Biggest Weekly fall (as per weekly chart) nor does it negate the current Bullish Pattern.

After 2-3 months when you see the weekly chart - does it really matter whether it fell 5% in 1 day or 5% in total across the entire week ? no one cares. So why so much noise ?


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