
SHORT TERM IDEA OF THE WEEK // Monday March 8th 2021 // CENTENKA

SHORT TERM IDEA OF THE WEEK // Monday March 8th 2021 // CENTENKA

// This is a Short Term Investment Idea and not a swing trade call nor an intra-day trade. Please do not expect the stock to go up on the same day of posting or within a few weeks. Please follow the notes along with the posting before, during and after entering the trade //

CMP / LTP: 268.3

TARGET: 375+ (40% Around)

STOP LOSS: 200 (25% Max)

Standard Notes:

- Please follow the Stop Loss strictly and preferably on a daily closing basis.
- Recommended Profit Booking / Exit is on 40% & If you still want to hold the stock, trail the SL once this target is achieved.
- Duration: 4-6 Months, the suggested time frame is an indicative period.
- If SL / Target are not triggered and you still wish to hold the trade, this can be done as long as SL is followed or trailed.

Disclosure: I may or may not have a position in this trade.
Disclaimer: All the recommendations are subject to market conditions. Please trade at your own risks.


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