
CELR , Big Story With Binance Bot and Very Bullish Patterns

BINANCE:CELRUSDT   Celer Network / TetherUS
Hi everyone,
mainnet event will take place on July 8
Look at falling wedge pattern, it is very bullish, right?
But listen to horror history of this bullish pattern,
18 hours ago, binance bot sold out a lot of celr (equivalent to 350 btc) to make a buying opportunity and new bulish patterns.
Because in the mainnet day, binance want people to talk binance coin' mainnet is very important.
But 18 hours ago, a lot of celr investor that trust in celr, were very scared and they were right.
But binance bot buy a lot of celr again , and there is very strong bullish falling wedge.

Celr might give a very profit rate


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