- let's clear the elephant fart in the room... this isn't pltr, got it - but when you take a step back, here's a company that checks a few boxes, and is probably a good "money", a good orthogonal play to my current portfolio, a good valuation and plays to some theme that we haven't seen play out. - mr. WEF "kklaus schkwab" fake "cyber pandemic" hasn't happened. cyber remains one of those themes that remains relevant, important, not tariff exposed, "of national interest" - so here we go 5% cash yields, checks a lot of boxes. need to vet mgmt still... but i've been meaning to get back into cyber since dumping YOU (way too early last year - but we made good $), we've played ZS, panw... and most recently OKTA (but sold that too early too!)
NOW - clearly this px action looks sick. i'm going a bit slowly here. but it's got my interest, esp what looked like a decent last quarter .more to investigate.
u got an opinion on this one anon? a good orthogonal add to our portfolio which tries to account for some good spots but doesn't include cyber?
- btc/ OBTC - king kong - NXT - best non obvious future energy co - UBER - mobility winner, moat IRL platform co, mis understood AF, no global competitor - TSM - added more today - cheapest all-semis beneficiary - EVVTY - gaming, mgns
... but we r missing cyber. i want PANW, i want ZS, i like TENB, s... okta... but this CACI seems like it's got much better DOWNSIDE protection.
happy valentines day. be mine! throw some kisses to those you love. say it too :)