Canada 30Y yield

Canada's Predicament

A look at the past couple of decades in Canada paint a bleak picture. I lean towards hyperinflation being more probable given that it is politically the path of least resistance but who knows where this ships gonna sail to. Canada is in high seas with no rudder and has started to take on water. Canada is rich in natural resources yet our most populous cities seem to despise the Canadian Energy sector with a passion, refusing to acknowledge that our oil sands are key to our prosperity we seem to be headed towards a housing based economy. GDP per Capita is stagnating but we create the illusion of an economy by bringing in twice the amount of people we have capacity for creating the illusion of nominal GDP growth. Fun Fact: Canada has almost no gold reserves, we decided that "other assets" were better mostly US treasuries and with the way the current regime thinks I believe if we were to have a banking failure Canada would be forced to seize citizens Gold. If I were Castreau that would be my plan atleast... While other countries see the writing on the wall and continue to stockpile gold we have sewn ourselves to the US economy so thoroughly that having a border almost makes no sense. The Bank of Canada is now clearly a puppet of its counterpart down south. Years of brain drain from having our educated go south for better opportunity has left us with a growing majority of dim witted authoritarians who seek to divide and conquer. The amount of self loathing our government seems to have is surreal; just listen at the beginning of any speech we always acknowledge the fact that Canada used to be aboriginal land. Virtue signaling is our primary focus these days and rampant inflation seems like how we plan to "grow" our meager economy for the foreseeable future. There is no actual Canadian culture and thus the few values we once had are now up for debate. Division grows as a majority of the population lobby government to rule by edict to a not as small as they would have you believe minority and its causing many Canadians to realize the issues with democracy are dire. Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner and there will be many going hungry in the coming years due to abject failure from all parties and levels of government. We need leadership but our population has been completely brainwashed by the World Economic Forum shills and it really seems like Canada is being prepped to be the climate refugee haven in the coming years. This is what a cultural collapse looks like I'm afraid.
