
URGENT: Bitcoin | Updated Correction Numbers Maximum Pain Point

BINANCE:BTCUSDT   Bitcoin / TetherUS
There's been a small (quite big) mistake in the correction numbers I've been sharing for the past 6 months... Good news ... we are correcting those.

The support range for this upcoming drop —the maximum pain point— is between 0.618 - 0.786. This is the same range as before based on Fib. retracement levels but the size of the bullish wave we are taking into consideration is different.

👉 This range sits between $34,900 - $42,855.

Please ... Update your numbers, update your trades, update everything.
These are the new numbers.

👉 Bitcoin shall never, ever, in the history of humanity's kind trade below $30k.

Think of the bottom of the correction, maximum pain point in-between this price range. Can be the low of the range just as it can be the high or the middle.

Thank you for reading.


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