
Plain and Simple Bitcoin Daily Analysis - 3/9/21 - BTCUSDT

BINANCE:BTCUSDT   Bitcoin / TetherUS
Plain and Simple Bitcoin Daily Analysis - 3/9/21 - BTCUSDT BTCUSDT

Yesterday, 5PM eastern time, we could see a few "abnormalities" hinting clues at the present euphoria.

I posted about it on my twitter channel and also on youtube (link below)

So, the market is back in full euphoria mode, and then, indicators become clueless until reason settles in.

Who's going to be unhappy for that ;=)

Anyhow, on a technical base, RSI, oversold, bearish divergence, macd crossing bearish, no fear on the vix

All signs of a bearish morning.

But right now, TA does not give a sh...

Simply, levels to watch are

51110 for an entry

56700 for a top/

next top at 59200

During an euphoria episode, market does not give a f...k about overbought and bearish divergence.


Have fun, trading today !

Thanks for reading !

Stay safe.

And remember, the market is a, trying to take the money right out of your pocket for a cheap and short moment of pleasure.

See you all tomorrow, and don't forget to ......

smash that like button !

And don't forget to subscribe to my feed to get my daily analysis in your Trading view chart

Comments are also welcome anytime.

And go check my socials down there if you like this analysis!!!!


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