Top Fundamentals: - Mt.Gox 160k BTC Creditor Distribution rehab programme filed (Still Looming!!!)- Bearish - BlackRock Institution - Confirm 2 funds joining BTC (- Ruffer institution joins the race with a 750m holding - Bullish ) - Bullish - Biden formally accelerates the Stimulus of 1.9Trillion - Bullish AF - Elon Musk Tweets BTC Hard at end of consolidation period - Bullish - Gamestop Craziness could start t drive people away from stocks to Crypto - Bullish potential - New Amazon CEO that is Crypto Curious - Could be the final key to unlocking Crypto to Mainstream?
Personal Opinion:
Prediction remains the same, only extended to 40k now. 37k and 38k are going to be some tought resistances to break and there will be a very expected big rejection at 40k as Sell Walls go parabolic as soon as the price starts to head that way.
Bulls are here for a little longer now and with Jeff Bezos stepping down - watch this space....