Hello friends,
I m not a pro, just sharing my view. I can go wrong, so please #DYOR.
So, we have started this bull run from $3100. A rally to $13000 was wave 1 then price dropped to 5300$ formed Wave 2.
Wave 3 to 64000 and wave 4 ended at $29000 range.
So now we are in Wave 5.
Wave 1 ==> 13000
Wave 2 ==> 5300
Wave 3 ==> 64000
Wave 4 ==> 29000
Wave 5 ==> ????
In the big Wave 5, we have smaller waves
Wave i ==> 52000
Wave ii ==> 39000
Wave iii ==> 67000
Wave iv ==> 52000???
Wave v ==> 87000???
And another view based on patterns is Cup and Handle
I think Cup formation is done and forming a handle to 52000 (0.382%). Well , I will watch this formation and keep you posted.
Post your thoughts, we can discuss.
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