โดย CryptoSanders9563
$67,006 (as per the latest chart).
Highs around $68,162 and $71,000.
Immediate support at $65,800 and lowest at $60,267.

The chart shows an upward trend with potential pullbacks. The green upward line indicates potential targets around $71,000.
Moving averages (21,100 MA): Prices are above these averages, which indicates bullishness.
Indicates potential pullbacks of around $66,000 before a potential rise to $71,000.
BTC: The overall sentiment appears to be bullish with short-term pullbacks. The path suggests a rise to $71,000 followed by a brief consolidation or pullback.

These analyses reflect specific technical setups, and actual market conditions may be influenced by various factors including market sentiment, macroeconomic events, and changes in trading volumes. For active trading decisions, it is important to keep an eye on real-time data and consider technical indicators as well as fundamental analysis.

Remember: This is not financial advice. Stay tuned to us for further updates and analysis. Thank you!
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