

BINANCE:BTCUSDT   Bitcoin / TetherUS
Hello dear traders and investors
Today we are at your service with long-term bitcoin analysis
We have divided the whole process into 3 cycles
In each cycle, according to the market sentiment, certain things have happened
The first cycle started in December and after 134 days, the uptrend ended in November and the price entered a downward trend.
At the beginning of the first cycle, we have an extremely powerful bullish spike that indicates the high power of buyers. Finally, the price enters the bullish flag pattern, which gives a new opportunity to buyers who have not traded.
The second swing has grown to the size of the first swing
The desire of buyers to buy at high prices has not changed yet

Each process consists of two stages, the first is the spike stage and the second is the channel
Most ascending channels also end in the third to fourth leg and are broken in the downward direction.
This is exactly what happened in the first cycle
After the failure of the ascending channel, we have entered a reversal in the opposite direction
The trend changes after a while in all financial markets, but in the end it is the negative fundamental news that causes it to start.
The price enters a short-term downtrend for 98 days, which is actually important for the health of the market. After a period of price flooring in the range of 29,000 to 30,000 dollars.
Companies and mutual funds buy
This is where our downtrend ends in July

The second cycle starts in July and ends in November after 128 days.
At the beginning of the first cycle, we have an extremely powerful ascending swing. After a while, the price enters an ascending flag pattern. The second swing has grown as much as the first swing.
Finally, the price enters the channel like the first cycle after 2 ascending swings, which is a sign of a weakening of the uptrend.
After a few days, the uptrend channel is broken and the price enters a short-term downtrend
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This downward trend drops by about 51% in 71 days
If you look closely at the first and second cycles, you will see that the price movements are very similar, which is why the price always remembers its past.
But in the third cycle, it is completely different because the beginning of the trend is weak, and this is mostly due to traders' uncertainty about the trend. The war between Russia and Ukraine has completely changed the situation. 2022 has introduced fear into the market
We expect the third cycle to continue its movements as well as cycles 1 and 2




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