Actual trading history and feedback

Actual trading history and feedback

At that time, in terms of the five-minute chart, I slightly climbed the previous high point, which was the stop line, and then fell, so I entered the selling position additionally.

The reason why I entered the show is because, in terms of the 30-minute chart
This is because the appearance of rsidivergence was expected and the profit and loss ratio was good.

It kept going up unexpectedly, so I cut it off and switched to long. The rationale for the switch to Long, when I looked at the Ethereum chart, I thought it would rise after the correction wave.

However, it also fell unexpectedly, so it quickly responded with a stop loss.

Although the result ended trading with a loss but in my experience it was a position I was confident of 85% winning rate, so if I turn back time I will trade the same.
Chart PatternsTrend AnalysisWave Analysis
